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Building Confidence and Respect for the Water Key Facets for Young Swimmers

There is little doubt that bodies of water from backyard pools to cottage-country lakes to the beaches of the Florida coastline can provide numerous opportunities for enjoyment and entertainment. Full-out swimming, merely floating on the surface, or simply cooling off on a hot afternoon are just some of the options available to those who like spending time in/on the water. In a majority of cases, these swimmers/bathers were most likely exposed to the water at a rather young age. These introductions may have been in the form of formal swimming lessons and classes on appropriate water safety; in other instances, the good fortune of having a backyard pool may have been the stimulus for such an education, so to speak.

Regardless of the direction taken, there will have been an underlying theme throughout the learning process – to appreciate the water in a positive and respectful light instead of an apprehensive or even terrified manner; and the sooner (i.e.: younger) the better too, before any preconceived fears or negative external influences have the chance to take root permanently.

Although parents or guardians with backyard pools will want to familiarize their children with the positive sides of the water and with water safety from a young age, they must exercise a degree of patience with the learning process; despite old-school mentalities, the convention of sink-or-swim the first time a child enters the water is not an advisable or even mildly acceptable approach as it will in all likelihood yield the undesired effect.

Here then are some suggested swim aids, by age group, to assist and support children in building their confidence in the water and with water safety; these options are proposed by the professional pool builders from Aveco Pools, a leading swimming pool company in Toronto and the GTA.

Note that these are merely offered as suggestions; the actual approach and choices of swimming pool aids will depend on the parents/guardians and the physical development of their children.

  • Infants – birth to 18 months
    • Parents/guardians are the best floating ‘devices’ for infants
    • This intimacy helps infants to trust versus mistrust the water
    • Toddlers – 9 months to 24 months
      • A good swim aid would be a ring of ample width and buoyancy
      • Allows for autonomy/exploration while remaining in arm’s length
      • Young Children – 3 years to 9 years
        • Consider a super-soft life jacket – perhaps in a bright colour too
        • Helps keep children afloat when not in reach of parent or guardian
        • Pre-Teens and Teens
          • Utilize a life vest that has been approved for swimming pool use
          • Encourages learning of the skills used to define a strong swimmer

In some instances, homeowners might hesitate to invest in swimming pool construction for their backyard due to an overriding concern with the personal safety of their children.

While vigilance is a must whenever child safety is a factor, the proper learning/teaching approach to the joys of swimming and respect for the water can play a significant role in providing many years of enjoyment and entertainment for the entire family.  

Expert Pool Builders Provide a Full Range of Construction Options and Services

When homeowners decide to proceed with the installation of a backyard pool, they will want to rely on an experienced swimming pool company to handle the project.

With 35 years of experience in the swimming pool construction, renovation, and service industry, the crews from Aveco Pools would be the ideal choice of contractors.

Whether the project entails the construction of a new in-ground pool or the renovation of an existing pool, homeowners can count on the crews from Aveco Pools to provide their skills and expertise for any of the following pool services:

  • Pool design
  • Pool construction
    • Vinyl, concrete, vanishing edge, wave pools
    • Conversion to saltwater chlorination
    • Installation of spas, hot tubs, and whirlpools
    • Equipment repairs, replacements, or upgrades
    • Construction of water features (waterfalls, fountains)
    • Annual pool openings and closings; weekly maintenance

For supplementary information on the swimming pool construction and related services offered by the skilled pool builders at Aveco Pools, see Our Services page.

Considering the construction of a backyard swimming pool for your family’s enjoyment?

  Call the professional pool builders from Aveco Pools today at 905-640-2666 today to discuss the design and construction possibilities that will best suit your lifestyle needs.