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Understanding the Benefits and Possible Drawbacks of a Saltwater Generator

In recent years, more and more homeowners have been installing an electronic chlorine generator, or saltwater generator, for their new or existing swimming pool.

Although the concept and construction of saltwater swimming pools has been a reality for more than three quarters of a century, there is growing interest in this methodology at the present time due to such benefits as:

  • Prolonging the life of the pool
  • Reduction in maintenance time
  • Improvement in aesthetic appeal
  • Less probability of skin/eye irritation
  • Lower maintenance costs (chemicals)

Without delving too deeply into the science of a saltwater generator, it basically converts salt to chlorine via a chemical reaction produced by an electrical current.
This process, known as electrolysis, cleaves chlorine from salt that has already been added to the pool water; the separation of these two molecules results when the salt water passes through a cell in the chlorine generator that in turn releases a low-voltage electric current.
The chlorine that is produced by this process subsequently sanitizes the pool water.

While there are numerous advantages, as noted above, to the construction/conversion of a saltwater pool, it will be important for pool owners to exhibit due diligence when they are considering this feature; in other words, there are some aspects or misconceptions about such a system that must be fully researched/understood before moving forward.

Some of the factors that can counteract or counterbalance the advantages and benefits of saltwater generators would include:

  • They are not compatible with aluminum-sided pools
  • Any aluminum hardware should be switched to bronze
  • Municipal by-laws could restrict how the pool may be drained
  • The pools are not maintenance-free – water pH levels must be monitored
  • Zinc plates must be installed/routinely changed to prevent galvanic corrosion

Therefore, any current or potential pool owners who have interest in the installation of a saltwater generator may wish to consult with the professionals from an experienced pool construction firm such as Aveco Pools.
The team from Aveco Pools can provide further information on the merits of installing this system in a new pool construction as well as insight on the conversion of an existing pool.

Let Our Pool Construction Professionals Add Specialized Upgrades for Your Pool

The installation of an electronic chlorine generator, or a saltwater generator, is one of several swimming pool upgrades that are available through Aveco Pools, as a means of enriching an overall backyard ambience/atmosphere.
Some of the specialized options that can be created and/or installed by the craftsmen from Aveco Pools consist of:

  • Energy efficient equipment
  • Automatic pool control systems
  • Spill-over spas, hot tubs, whirlpools
  • Pool decks, patios, and cooking areas
  • Water features – waterfalls/curtains, fountains
  • Rock features – retaining walls, walkways, steps
  • Wood construction – cabanas, pergolas, trellises/arbors
  • And more …

For additional information on the scope of swimming pool upgrades available from Aveco Pools, including saltwater generators, please see our Pool Upgrades page.

Considering the installation of a saltwater generator for a new or current swimming pool? Call the pool construction professionals from Aveco Pools today at 905-640-2666 or contact us to discuss how saltwater generator technology can reduce your maintenance time and costs and prolong the life of your pool.